Embrace Single Tasking: Happily Say Goodbye to High-Pressure Multitasking Society

woman in sage green floral print dress standing at natural wood kitchen island single tasking making bread from scratch at home

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I have been so eager to share all about single-tasking and all the ways it has helped my daily life in balancing my new role working from home,  my family, and our approach to homeschooling!

What is Single-Tasking?

For the longest time, we have all been encouraged to live in a world that prioritizes multitasking. The appeal is understandable. Who doesn’t want to get more done in their day? 

Still, I know I’m not the only one who finds myself feeling like multitasking really just results in stress and lower quality. This is why I want to talk about single-tasking.

Single-tasking, sometimes referred to as mono-tasking, is the opposite of multitasking. Instead of juggling multiple tasks, you focus specifically on one task at a time and give it your complete focus.

It has been life-changing! 

Why I Love Single-Tasking

Single-tasking is my new favorite approach to family and life. In my house, we are waving goodbye to our high-pressure multitasking society (which is terrible for mental health) and taking things one task at a time instead.

I love single-tasking because it allows us to give our full and undivided attention to each task. No matter what we work on, we are in the moment and fully present. It allows us to embrace slowness and zero in on whatever we are hoping to accomplish!

Embracing Quality Over Quantity

Let’s face it—multitasking is the enemy of quality. When you divide yourself among tasks and spread your mind in too many directions, the tasks suffer for it. Whether you’re making breakfast and planning a field trip or cleaning up while answering emails, you’re not giving your all!

True quality comes from commitment, and that is what single-tasking is all about.

With single-tasking, you are giving yourself permission to do something right. Instead of trying to get things done as quickly as possible, you are focusing on getting things done correctly. 

This focus on quality can help you to feel better about what you do, boosting your mental health and productivity over time!

single tasking quote on image of two hands making bread on natural wood colored countertop

Building Better Priorities

The older we get, the more we learn that priorities are crucial! 

Without learning how to prioritize, your life becomes an absolute mess. In many ways, multitasking can actually make you worse at prioritizing. This is because you are trying to cram tasks together instead of actually considering what needs to be done first.

When you embrace single-tasking, you have to prioritize. This approach really doesn’t give you a choice. Since you are taking life one task at a time, you are going to have to consciously consider what needs to be done, how long it will take, and when it needs to be handled.

I’m always looking for new ways to innovate and improve my life, and single-tasking has been a wonderful way to feel like a dedicated contributor to my own story. 

Stay tuned for more on my social channels on how I apply single-tasking to everyday life as a work from home mom, and how it has transformed our homeschool! As always, thank you for being here.




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