Join me on the Minimal-ish Podcast: Offering Tips on Simplifying

Mandy Davis holding a blue podcast mic speaking about simplifying back to school

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Modern digital media gives so many of us a chance to tell our stories and connect with other people. Today, I am happy to announce that I was able to guest star on the Minimal-ish Podcast with the amazing host, Desirae Endres!


In this episode, we discussed all things back to school with a special emphasis on homeschooling and getting the most out of new learning opportunities. 


As you all know, I am a huge supporter of year-round learning for many reasons, but our family still enjoys the back-to-school season when it arrives. In this episode, we discuss how you can prepare for your new school year and simplify learning for your family at home.


It’s no secret that homeschooling is becoming more prominent, and there are so many resources available now that it can be pretty overwhelming, even for some seasoned homeschool parents. On Desirae’s show, we explore how you can navigate the available resources and simplify your homeschool approach for a happy family and school year.


I hope you enjoy the episode and learn some helpful tips from it. You can listen to it here or on any major podcast platform!





5 Strategies We Use in Our Homeschool to Start the Year Off Right


5 Easy ways any curriculum can work for your homeschool