Witnessing a Miracle: Here’s What Happened After This Woman Abandoned the Traditional School System

a family of 5 standing along a white farm fence looking out at a mountain range and open field

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It has been such a wonderful experience being able to talk about my family’s journey navigating the transition from traditional school to homeschooling, and Fox News has given me another opportunity to do so.

You can read the most recent piece, Witnessing a Miracle: Here’s What Happened After This Woman Abandoned the Traditional School System here.

I’m always so proud to advocate for the benefits of homeschooling, but it was incredible to sit down and talk about the actual changes I am seeing for my kids. As I shared in the feature, it has truly been like witnessing a miracle, seeing what a change choosing to homeschool has made for my children and our family.

The traditional school system was made with good intent, but it is no longer an environment that suits learning for children. Being able to spot the gaps in education has allowed me to fix them for my family at home, and it has been such a pleasure watching my children grow into independent thinkers who love learning.

My kids are able to move at their own pace and are allowed to get excited about what they learn. I look forward to seeing how homeschooling will inspire them to grow as they get older.

I hope your families are experiencing their own miracles too!




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