5 Strategies For Raising Enthusiastic Readers: Not All Journeys Are the Same

three young children sitting in front of a fire place reading gods world news magazines

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I've always had a special bond with books. To me, they've been friends, teachers, and windows to vast universes. Naturally, when my oldest daughter took to reading with as much enthusiasm as I did, I couldn't have been happier. But, things were different with my second. Even with the same amount of exposure to books from an early age, she'd rather be playing, exploring, or simply doing anything else than sitting with a book.

And that's okay. It's important to understand that not every child will have the same relationship with reading.

With the emphasis on the benefits of early reading, it's easy to feel a pinch of worry when one child doesn't take to books as readily as another. But every child's journey with reading is unique. So how can we, as parents, help nudge our more reluctant readers in the right direction without pushing them away?

two young girls in floral dresses sitting on hard wood floor reading

Here are some strategies that struck a chord in our household:

1. Let Them Pick Their Own Adventures

Even if it's not what educators or other parents would choose, allowing kids to select their own reading materials can be a game-changer. Remember, it's not just about age-appropriateness but also about interest. A picture book can be as captivating for an older child as a complex novel can be for a young and curious mind. The key is the magic of choice.

2. Dive into Diverse Reading Materials

Traditional books are just the tip of the reading iceberg. Magazines tailored for kids, intriguing cookbooks with colorful images, or lively comics can spark interest in different ways. If they're excited about a DIY project manual or a fashion magazine, let them delve into it.

3. Welcome Technology

Sometimes, technology can bridge the gap. Audio books can make stories come alive in a different dimension. Interactive reading apps engage kids in a story, allowing them to be participants, not just observers. If they're more inclined towards tech, why not let it be a tool to kindle their reading flame?

4. Celebrate Their Favorites

Kids have their comfort zones, even in reading. If they want to read their favorite story for the hundredth time, let them. Every time they revisit a story, they're reinforcing their reading skills, and often, they'll find something new to wonder about or a detail they missed the first ninety-nine times.

5. Remove the Pressure

The last thing we want is for our kids to view reading as a chore. The more we can create a relaxed and enjoyable reading environment, the more likely they are to develop a genuine interest. So, if they want to read under the covers with a flashlight, or outside under a tree, or in a homemade fort, let them. The experience should be as delightful as the stories themselves.

Embrace Each Unique Journey

Every child is unique, and so is their relationship with reading. As parents, our role isn't to dictate how that relationship should look but to nurture and support it in whatever form it takes. Remember, it's not about how quickly they embrace reading or which books they choose; it's about fostering a lifelong love for stories and knowledge. So, whether they're flipping through comics, listening to an audiobook, or revisiting an old favorite for the umpteenth time, what matters most is that they're engaging with the world of words. And who knows? Today's reluctant reader might just become tomorrow's voracious bookworm. Let's give them the space, time, and encouragement they need to find their own path.




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