The Importance of Creating Reading Roadmaps With Your Kids: The How and Why

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Reading is a doorway to other worlds, a journey through time and space, and an avenue to develop empathy and understanding. Every book comes with its own lessons, but the way a child approaches a spooky mystery book is vastly different from a vibrant comic strip. Enter the Reading Roadmap–a strategy to guide children on the how and why of reading different genres. Let’s dive into this in more detail.

Why Reading Roadmaps Are Crucial


Development of Critical Reading Skills

We can’t use a hammer to screw in a nail, and we should never approach every genre in the same way. Different genres have unique structures, themes, and nuances–and the same can be true with different books in the same genre, too. 

Teaching children to recognize and appreciate these differences sharpens their reading skills and comprehension. More importantly, it helps them to see the different kinds of value in each book, all while turning every reading session into a puzzle-solving experience!

You can learn more about critical reading skills here.

Broadening Horizons

While we all have our favorites, and it is great if your child has a preferred genre, it is always best to help your child to be well-rounded. Helping them to broaden their horizons can help them to learn more about the world and literature, all while giving them valuable skills. 

A roadmap can expose kids to a variety of styles, expanding their perspectives and allowing them to experience so much more. This improves their general knowledge and enriches their reading experience.

Deepening Appreciation and Love for Reading

For so many children, reading can be a point of frustration, especially if they feel like they don’t “get” it like their peers. When kids know how to navigate a genre, they are more likely to enjoy it as they read. This enhanced understanding deepens their connection to the story, characters, and underlying themes. Instead of frustration, they can be impressed by their own knowledge and understanding.

Learn about the many benefits a love of reading can bring here.

The HOW of Creating a Reading Roadmap

Now that we have discussed the importance of a reading roadmap, let’s discuss how you can craft one of your very own.

Identify Your Child’s Current Reading Habits

Before you can create a tailored roadmap to support your young learner, you will need to start by understanding and evaluating their current reading habits. There is no right or wrong here–every child has a unique relationship with reading and their connection to it.

During this stage, you will want to take time to consider how your child engages with reading. How much do they like to read? How do they feel after they read? 

Once you know how they engage with reading, you can start focusing on the fun stuff. Ask yourself what brings your child joy when they read. Are they really into fantasy? Do they love realistic fiction or biographies? 

Once you have this starting point, you can gradually start introducing them to other genres!

Categorize and List Genres

With your child’s existing reading experience in mind, take time to make a list of the various genres that you want your child to explore. Think about the exciting options available–science fiction, general fiction, graphic novels–and jot down all of the types of books you want to expose your child to throughout the year. Consider genres you know they will love, but don’t forget to add some options that can help them to learn and grow in new directions as well.

Create Tailored Strategies for Each Genre

A winning strategy can help you to make your child fall in love with all kinds of different books, making it much easier for them to become a lifelong reader. This is the core of your roadmap. For each genre you choose, you will want to devise a tailored approach to reading it.

  • Historical Fiction

    When reading historical fiction with your child, take time to discuss the time period when the story is set. Diving into the history of that time can make the experience more immersive and make it more real for your child. The context really supports improved comprehension and makes the experience richer.

  • Poetry

    Although we often think of poetry as artistic, it is actually quite scientific. When exploring poetry with your child, take time to help them understand the key elements of this genre–metaphor, rhyming, and rhythm.  Poetry is often less about the plot and more about the feeling, structure, and imagery. Encourage them to read the poems out loud and feel the words!

  • Graphic Novels

    Although people often confuse graphic novels with comic books, many parents are surprised to learn just how incredible these novels can be–and how much kids can learn from them. Helping them to engage with the illustrations just as much as the text can create a really engaging reading experience. 

  • Non-Fiction

    In non-fiction, we learn more about the world and people. Teaching your child to take notes and discuss the facts they learn can help them to take more from each book. This genre is just as much about information as it is about storytelling!

  • Fiction

    Fiction novels take us to new places and help us to see the world through a new lens. To help your child take more away, encourage them to consider the story through the different perspectives of the characters. Help them to see the ways that characters make decisions and work through problems.

  • Fantasy

    If you want to help your child dream big and imagine a better or different world, fantasy is a wonderful option. When reading fantasy, tell your child to focus on the world in their story and the ways it differs from our own.

list of The Importance of Creating Reading Roadmaps With Your Kids

Engage in Post-Reading Discussions

After your child has finished a new book from their list, take time to sit and chat about it. Ask them how their approach based on the roadmap influenced their reading experience. Did it make certain parts more engaging or easier to understand? Did they enjoy it more?

Regularly Update Your Roadmap

As you move along, your child will grow, and their reading skills will improve. This means revisiting the roadmap is always a good idea. Take time to revise your roadmap to help your child continue to improve in their reading and their love for it as their tastes evolve!




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